
Caloundra, Sunshine Coast
It's coming to that time of year when the big man comes to town!
For those chasing one of my rustic framed prints or the popular surfboard mounted prints, get in early before its too late.
I'm running the pop up gallery again this year at
Paisley Park Project
from Fri 4th Dec - Monday 7th Dec with over 100 prints in stock and a select dozen of surfboard mounted prints.10 Ormuz Avenue Caloundra
Friday 9am-4pm
Saturday 9am-4pm
Sunday 9am -2pm
Monday 9am-4pm
Some great deals up for grabs!
Also other dates you can find me at the local markets
Every Sunday 8am-1pm top end of the street
Also the Collective Markets Alex Headland Saturday 12th Dec 8am-12noon
For custom orders please get them in ASAP as my books are filling up fast.